
Chronicling a Love Affair with Canadian Theatre


I have now seen Something Rotten three times and can reliably report that the show has done nothing but get better, tighter, and more self-assured.

I have also now had the opportunity (twice) to see Steve Ross as Shylock. No offense to his understudy, who filled in admirably the first time I saw the show, but Ross is in a category by himself and his endearing portrayal of “Shylock, the really nice Jew” belies the role’s minor status.

In my original review I mentioned two “would-be show stopping numbers,” since the first time I saw the show neither of them got that coveted standing-O, although it was obvious that the cast held out hope. Second time around, both of the major production numbers got ovations that were more or less spontaneous.

On my third visit, at a matinee, the cast simply struck a pose at the end of each number and made it clear that the show would not go on until the audience got up off its collective duff and gave them the recognition they deserved. And it worked!

Shameless! Absolutely shameless. Also, completely adorable.

Let me also give a shout out to Mark Uhre. Not Mark Uhre the actor/singer/dancer, but Mark Uhre the accomplished artist.

Something Rotten has been extended through November 17, 2024. People will be talking about this production for years to come. You really want to be one of them.

For more information and to purchase tickets visit the Stratford Festival website.

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