
Chronicling a Love Affair with Canadian Theatre

Choir Boy at Yale Rep

Choir Boy

March 31 – April 23, 2022 Yale University has a long and distinguished vocal tradition. There are the undergraduate Whiffenpoofs, of course, and the School of Music confers advanced degrees in choral conducting. So it’s perhaps not too surprising to find that Choir Boy features one of the greatest small male choral groups you’ve ever […]

I Am My Own Wife at Long Wharf Theatre

I Am My Own Wife

I Am My Own Wife at Long Wharf Theatre         The Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven, Connecticut, is giving Doug Wright’s Pulitzer prize-winning one-person play, I Am My Own Wife, a respectful if ultimately disappointing revival starring a very talented young actor, Mason Alexander Park. The play revolves around a real-life German transgender woman […]

Angels in America’at KC Rep – A Review

Angels in America

Angels in America at KC Rep Tony Kushner’s two-part Angels in America is receiving a sturdy revival at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre’s downtown Copaken Stage. This sprawling two-part epic, subtitled A Gay Fantasia on National Themes, is at turns surreal, whimsical, hallucinatory, bitchily funny, poetic, brutally blunt, and ultimately quite moving. 

The Best Brothers and ‘Hirsch’ at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival 2012

best brothers

The Best Brothers and Hirsch at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival I am fond of saying there is a Poutine Curtain that prevents Canadian culture from penetrating south of the border. So one of the pleasures of visiting the Stratford Shakespeare Festival is the chance to see the work of Canadian playwrights who otherwise might have […]